Adhesive for cosmetics

Professional adhesive for eyebrows and eyelashes.

It is special that Aplica vendors this series of cosmetic adhesives - but it has been developed by our close partner and supplier, and it is a thoroughly worked out and thoroughly tested series of professional adhesives. We only deal with professional products for professionals!

All products in the series have European approvals under the European Cosmetics Directive 1223/2009.

Eyelash adhesive:

Ethyl ester based - CB 100 series black

CB 100 series based on ethyl ester and cyanocrylate. It is the best-selling, and is known to adhere super well and adheres for a long time. Has a little scent and can irritate a little while it hardens, then there is no nuisance.

CB 105 viscosity approx. 500 mPa * s - packaging size 2g, 5g, 10g minimum order 100 pcs.
CB 108 viscosity approx. 800 mPa * s - packaging size 2g, 5g, 10g minimum order 100 pcs.
CB 110 viscosity approx. 2000 mPa * s - packaging size 2g, 5g, 10g minimum order 100 pcs.

Alkoxy based - CB 500 series black

This series is for people who have problems with odors and irritation genes that can arise from the ethyl ester based products. These are basically fragrance-free. Their ability to adhere is slightly smaller than the ethyl ester based products in the CB 100 series.

CB 505 viscosity approx. 500 mPa * s - packaging size 2g, 5g, 10g minimum order 100 pcs.
CB 510 viscosity approx. 2000 mPa * s - packaging size 2g, 5g, 10g minimum order 100 pcs.

Eyebrow adhesive:

Octyl ester based - CB 800

Octyl ester based products are used in the surgical industry to glue skin. No strong exothermic reactions occur and the adhesive can be applied directly to the skin e.g. on people who are under chemo treatment. CB 800 is flexible. Later attachment of the brows can be added with e.g. CB 210. CB 800 is not sterilized.

CB 800 - viscosity 5 mPa * s - packaging size 2g, 3g minimum order 100 pcs.

Ethyl ester based - 200 series pink

The pink color cannot be seen after the glue has hardened. The pink color is added so that the glue does not reflect in the light when it is dried in the same way as a transparent glue.

CB 210 viscosity approx. 500 mPa * s - packaging size 2g, 5g, 10g min. ordering 50 pcs.

Supplementary products - cosmetically approved

Cyanocrylate conditioner CB 600

CB 600 is a solvent based conditioner, for degreasing and for preparing natural eyelashes before bonding with cyanoacrylates. CB 600 is used e.g. on a cotton swab. Cleaning is done by placing support on both sides of the natural hair and cleaning inside and out. There must be approx. 3 minutes for evaporation / drying after application in normal surroundings.

CB 600 packaging size 10g minimum order 100 pcs.

Benefits of CB 600:

  • Easy and quick use
  • Cleans and removes grease and skin contamination
  • Prepare the surface for the use of cyanoacrylates, especially also good after using CB 900, cyanoacrylate remover.

Cyanocrylate removers CB 900

Softens, dissolves and removes cyanocrylate.

CB 900 - packaging size 5g, 10g minimum order 100 pcs.

Benefits of CB 900

  • Not flammable liquid
  • Gel that allows better control over use and longer durability

Cosmetic Adhesive Application Applicator DT COS

Used with great advantage for e.g. CB 800. The applicator allows the adhesive to be applied with maximum accuracy and precision. A drop of adhesive is applied to a flat surface. By squeezing the soft applicator, the glue is sucked back and then the adhesive can be applied directly out of the applicator onto the skin.

DT COS - minimum order 100 pcs.

Benefits of DT COS:

  • Disposable applicator
  • Soft plastic, provides precise application and distribution of the adhesive.

applikator    pic1pic2

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